The developments and current situation of tantalum-niobium hydrometallurgical extraction are presented.According to different decompositive medium,the tantalum-niobium hydrometallurgical extraction process can be classified as alkali fusion decomposition process,which mainly involves the sodium alkali fusion decomposition process and …
DetailsDOI: 10.1016/J.HYDROMET.2005.06.011 Corpus ID: 96843407; A kinetic study of the leaching of a low-grade niobium–tantalum ore by concentrated KOH solution @article{Zhou2005AKS, title={A kinetic study of the leaching of a low-grade niobium–tantalum ore by concentrated KOH solution}, author={Hong Zhou and Shili …
DetailsIntroduction. At present, most ores containing niobium and tantalum are decomposed by concentrated hydrofluoric acid. However, such an approach is only appropriate for high-grade niobium–tantalum ore, and special containers are required due to the remarkable corrosiveness of hydrofluoric acid (HF) (Miller, 1959, El-Hussaini, …
DetailsThe activation energy for the dissolution of niobium in low-grade niobium-tantalum ore with KOH solution was calculated to be about 72.2 kJ⋅mol − 1 [44]. In addition, the activation energy of ...
DetailsAbstract: Niobium and tantalum are chemically similar and are associated with each other in nature which makes it very difficult to separate. For many years, the separation of tantalum from niobium involved the fractional crystallization of potassium heptafluorotantalate away from potassium oxypentafluoroniobate monohydrate, this …
DetailsThe reactions of niobium–tantalum ore with KOH solution are as follows (Orekhov and Zelikman, 1963, Zelikman and Orekhov, ... In this paper, a hydrometallurgy process was investigated for recovering rare earths (REs) and niobium (Nb) from a potash feldspar ore beneficiation tailings. Firstly, the REs and Nb could be leached from potash ...
DetailsThe columbite found in Brazil is normally mined for its rich niobium content (31–79% Nb 2 O 5) (Pohl, 2011) and not necessarily for its smaller amounts of tantalum. The chemical characterization of the these minerals also indicate the presence of moderate quantities of iron and titanium, as well as small quantities of scandium (0.135%) and ...
DetailsNiobium and tantalum are located in the same group (VB) in the periodic table of the elements, and therefore they have very similar chemical properties, hence making it difficult to separate them from each other. ... Hydrometallurgy, 72 (3–4) (2004), pp. 259-267. Google Scholar. Hussaini et al., 2001. O.M.E. Hussaini, M.A. Mahdy, H. El.
DetailsHydrometallurgy method consisting of acid/alkaline leaching followed by solvent extraction is commonly employed to recover these metals from the niobium-tantalum minerals . ...
DetailsThe most impressive result was obtaining 70 mL of high purity niobium solution of tantalum content 0.027 ppm (in relation to Nb) with 88.4% yield of niobium from a solution of Nb:Ta, weight ratio ...
DetailsThe increased demand of metals such as tantalum (Ta) and niobium (Nb) reflect the on-going development in modern science, engineering and technology. The extraction of these two metals from columbite-tantalite ore is based on generic extractive metallurgy. However, the upstream purification of ore and downstream extraction of Ta …
DetailsThe recovery of niobium and tantalum from alkaline solutions has been investigated. We showed that, instead of neutralizing the Nb and Ta solutions by mineral acids, calcium-bearing reagents can be used to quantitatively precipitate Nb and Ta. ... Hydrometallurgy, 156 (2015), pp. 99-106, 10.1016/j.hydromet.2015.05.015. View PDF …
DetailsThe results showed that the tantalum extraction rate and tantalum and niobium separation factors were above 94% and 200, respectively, and the purity of potassium fluotantalate met the ...
Details1. Introduction. Niobium (Nb; Z = 41) and tantalum (Ta; Z = 73) are two group V elements which remain largely unknown to the general public even if their unequaled properties make them essential for many key sectors.For example, Nb is a strategic ingredient in the manufacture of high-strength low-alloy (HSLA) steels [1].The …
DetailsNiobium and tantalum were extracted from their neutralized alkaline dissolved and hydrolyzed solution by a new process using the EMIC/AlCl3 ionic liquid as the extractant using selective stripping ...
DetailsA review of niobium-tantalum separation in Hydrometallurgy. Journal of Minerals & Materials Characterization & Engineering. 2011; 10:245-256. . The physico-chemical properties of niobium are similar to tantalum, implying an occurrence together in nature, so that it becomes difficult their separation.
DetailsNiobium and tantalum have a wide range of application in various industries such as steel and electronic industry. The conventional tributyl phosphate based solvent extraction process for producing pure niobium and tantalum generates solid waste which is a mixture of fluoride with other anions like sulphate, chloride and acetate. This waste …
DetailsDOI: 10.1016/J.HYDROMET.2017.08.018 Corpus ID: 103996742; Non-fluoride dissolution of tantalum and niobium oxides and their separation using ion exchange @article{Nete2017NonfluorideDO, title={Non-fluoride dissolution of tantalum and niobium oxides and their separation using ion exchange}, author={M. Nete and Walter Purcell …
DetailsCorrigendum to "Hydrothermal pretreatment of chalcopyrite concentrate with copper sulfate solution" Hydrometallurgy Volume 195 (2020) 105359. Aleksei Kritskii, Stanislav Naboichenko, Kirill Karimov, Vivek Agarwal, Mari Lundström. Article 105478. View PDF.
DetailsThe pyrometallurgical methods of the recovery of various critical metals have been established. Certain pyrometallurgical approaches for niobium (Nb) and tantalum (Ta) extraction have been studied and investigated by several researchers. For instance, the conventional reduction of Nb mineral or Nb2O5 to Nb metal has been conducted over …
DetailsNiobium and tantalum are chemically similar and are associated with each other in nature which makes it very difficult to separate. For many years, the separation of tantalum from niobium involved the fractional crystallization of potassium heptafluorotantalate away from potassium oxypentafluoroniobate monohydrate, this method has been supplanted by …
Details1. Introduction. Tantalum and niobium are frequently found together in nature and are simultaneously extracted from a variety of minerals (Roskill Information 10th ed., 2005a).The most abundant Nb and Ta containing mineral is columbite–tantalite (Fe,Mn)(Nb,Ta) 2 O 6. The Nb rich mineral columbite normally contains 5–30% Ta 2 O 5 …
DetailsELSEVIER Hydrometallurgy 41 (1996) 71-78 hydrometallurgy Solvent extraction of niobium(V) and tantalum(V) from fluorometallate acid solutions V.G. Mayorov, A.I. Nikolaev * Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Rare Elements and Mineral Raw Materials, Kola Science Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ul …
DetailsA Review of Niobium-Tantalum Separation in Hydrometallurgy
DetailsAlkaline solution appears as an alternative medium for the hydrometallurgy of niobium and tantalum since these two elements exhibit a good solubility in alkaline solutions [Deblonde et al., 2015a ...
Details1963. Alkaline solutions of tantalum (V) have been studied by spectrophotometric, emf, and light scattering techniques. The position of the charge transfer band at about 2000 A did not change as the total…. Expand. 47. PDF. On the hydrolysis of niobium (V) and tantalum (V) in 3 mol dm–3 KCl at 25 °C. Part 1.
DetailsA Review of Niobium-Tantalum Separation in Hydrometallurgy. O. Ayanda, F. A. Adekola. Published 5 March 2011. Engineering, Materials Science. Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering. Niobium and tantalum are chemically similar and are associated with each other in nature which makes it very difficult to …
Details1. Introduction. Niobium (Nb; Z = 41) and tantalum (Ta; Z = 73) are two group V metals that recently received growing interest due to their numerous applications such as structural steels, pipelines, superalloys, cutting tools or catalysts.Contrary to vanadium (V; Z = 23), the lightest element of this family, the chemistry of niobium and tantalum is much …
DetailsZhao Mingzhi [23] treated titanium-tantalum-niobium ore with HF-H 2 SO 4 acid and improved the tantalum-niobium decomposition rate to more than 97% by reducing the particle size of the ore powder ...
DetailsIn this paper, solvent extraction technology for the separation and purification of niobium and tantalum has been extensively reviewed. Although a variety of solvents have been investigated for niobium and tantalum solvent extraction, only four have been commercially used in the production of niobium and tantalum from their raw materials. …
DetailsHydrometallurgy, 2014, 149: 31âˆ'40. [111] SHIKIKA A, SETHURAJAN M, MUVUNDJA F, MUGUMAODERHA M, GAYDARDZHIEV S. A review on extractive metallurgy of tantalum and niobium [J]. Hydrometallurgy, 2020, 198: 105496. [112] KIM B S, CHOI Y Y. Kinetics of the chlorination reaction of tantalum pentoxide with carbon …
DetailsA Review of Niobium-Tantalum Separation in Hydrometallurgy Olushola S. Ayanda1* and Folahan A. Adekola2 1Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Applied Sciences, ... Niobium and tantalum are chemically similar and are associated with each other in nature which makes it very difficult to separate. For many years, the separation of tantalum from
DetailsAbstract. The increased demand of metals such as tantalum (Ta) and niobium (Nb) reflect the on-going development in modern science, engineering and technology. The extraction of these two metals ...
DetailsNiobium–tantalum ore containing euxenite, samarsakite and fergusonite was leached using sulphuric acid.Niobium and tantalum were extracted from the leach liquor with the tertiary amine, Alamine 336, using kerosene and xylene as diluents and n-decanol as a modifier.The effect of contact time, sulphate and fluoride concentrations in the …
DetailsPE series jaw crusher is usually used as primary crusher in quarry production lines, mineral ore crushing plants and powder making plants.