University of Limpopo (Turfloop Campus), South Africa. Doi:10.5901/mjss. 2014.v5n27p1067. Abstract. This article discusses the problem of atypical or non-standard work in the ...
DetailsThis paper surveys the theme of exploitation of laborers in extractive industries, looking specifically at the mining industry in South Africa and how migrant miners there have organized...
DetailsCobbers removed adherent ironstone from the ends of cobs of fibre with a hammer in order to prevent the mills breaking down from the impact of the ironstone. ... Part of the legacy of South Africa's exploitation of its asbestos mineral reserves is the large number of cases of mesothelioma caused by environmental exposure. These ...
DetailsIn a study done by Beverly Balos in South Africa and Zambia, 81% of women involved in trafficking were threatened, 73% were physically assaulted, 68% were threatened with a weapon, and over 50 ...
DetailsImperialism is a policy of extending a country's power and influence through colonisation, use of military force, or other means. Over the past 500 years there have been different phases of colonisation. Trading Stations. In the early stages of colonisation, colonies were mainly trading stations.
DetailsYFT1 site location, locations of other sites with marine shell-rich layers, and YFT1 site stratigraphy. (A) Distribution of shell middens along the coasts of South Africa, with modern winter seasonal rainfall isopleths; (B, Inset) …
DetailsIt is reported that there are over 13.4 million children in South Africa between the ages of 5 and 17 years (Budlender & Bosch, 2002). Twenty-five percent (25%) of them are engaged in economic activities. Out of those, 1.45% are engaged in commercial agriculture and 17.8% are engaged in construction and mining.
Details"In this way, there is a pretty straight line from colonial exploitation to modern exploitation." British businessman Cecil Rhodes (center) founded the De Beers diamond company in South Africa ...
DetailsThe Disrupting Harm research was conducted in seven Eastern and Southern African, including South Africa, and six Southeast Asian countries. Data was synthesised from nine different research activities to generate each national report. These tell the story of the threat and present clear recommendations for action. Author (s)
DetailsSouth African government's underinvestment inhibits efforts to protect children from sexual exploitation. Posted on Oct 29, 2019. A new briefing paper jointly launched today by ECPAT International and the Youth Research Unit of the Bureau of Market Research at the University of South Africa, warns that high levels of violence, …
DetailsSouth Africa is emerging as a global economic powerhouse boasting the continents biggest economy and securing its position as the richest country in Africa. Despite this, South Africa is one of the most unequal societies in the world with persistent racial inequalities and widespread poverty. Children are particularly affected, with some …
DetailsHuman Rights Watch (HRW) has reported serious exploitation, including indicators of human trafficking, of adult Zambian workers in Chinese-state owned copper mines.
DetailsUnconventional oil and gas (UOG) exploitation may generate large volumes of wastewater, with dire environmental consequences if not properly managed. We systematically reviewed literature, reports, and fracking databases to determine possible volumes of wastewater that may be generated during UOG extraction. We then …
DetailsThe exploitation of Africa began with the wars inspired to procure enslaved people and the export of the most fit and strong members of Africa's population. It continued with colonisation in the nineteenth …
DetailsFor centuries, commercial farm workers in South Africa have endured exploitation and abuse, facing violations of their labour rights that continue to plague the …
DetailsIn this book, black South African farm workers describe their working lives in their own words. Six million people – labourers and their families – are virtually no better …
DetailsChild Abuse Research: A South African Journal 2012, 13(1):62-73 Human trafficking and the exploitation of women and children in a Southern and South African context DN Swart Department of Criminology, University of South Africa Email: Human trafficking in South Africa is a serious problem which needs intervention on all fronts.
DetailsThe results of the research clearly indicate that South Africa is a source, transit and destination country for trafficked women and children. The study identifies a number of trafficking flows in the intercontinental trafficking of women and children to and from South Africa from the rest of the Continent of Africa, as well as domestic ...
Detailsand Freedom from Online Exploitation and Abuse in Southern Africa. A Case Study of South Africa and Zimbabwe, Supervisors: Zahara Nampewo, Makerere University (Uganda) and Marystella Simiyu, University of Pretoria. Master's Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa (HRDA), coordinated by Centre for Human Rights, …
DetailsIn Chap. 11, Josiah Brownell provides a different context to Africa's sordid experiences with foreign exploitation and occupation using the case of apartheid South Africa. Seeking to create a false sign of respect for the rights of Africans to self-determination, the apartheidSouth Africangovernment actively encouraged Rhodesia and …
Detailsby ECPAT International in 2019. The Landscape of Sexual Exploitation of Children in South Africa is the result of a research collaboration led by ECPAT International to describe the context for sexual exploitation of children in South Africa. The project was a collaboration with the Youth Research Unit (YRU) of the Bureau od Market Research ...
DetailsCobber (1987:312) notes that Hobbes conceived of a right as the "liberty each man has to use his own power as he will himself, for the preservation of his own nature - that is to say, his own life". ... The SACP states that it seeks to end the system of capitalist exploitation in South Africa and to establish a socialist society based on ...
DetailsSouth Africa - British Occupation, Colonization, Boer War: When Great Britain went to war with France in 1793, both countries tried to capture the Cape so as to control the important sea route to the East. The British occupied the Cape in 1795, ending the Dutch East India Company's role in the region. Although the British relinquished the …
DetailsWith colonialism, which began in South Africa in 1652, came the Slavery and Forced Labour Model. This was the original model of colonialism brought by the Dutch in 1652, and subsequently exported from the …
DetailsThe exploitation of migrant workers thus hinges on their constitution as political subjects. Key to this process is the differentiation of sending and receiving societies through the constitution and policing of borders. One study that begins to explore these themes is Burawoy's (1976) comparison of migrant labor in California and South Africa.
DetailsTanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe and South Africa. In the Southern African countries, the incidents of forced labor are on the increase and South Africa is more affected, …
Details'Mpumalanga security companies exploit guards, labour dept finds' 29 August 2019. Non-compliance with the law by some Mpumalanga security companies has led to guards being exploited by their employers, the Department of Labour has found.
DetailsKatharine Kyriacou Department of Anthropology and Development Studies, University of Johannesburg, Auckland Park, South Africa Correspondence Katharine.kyriacou@gmail Pages 540-557 | Received 08 Jul 2016, Accepted 12 Nov 2016, Published online: 15 Dec 2016
DetailsThe exploitation of migrant workers thus hinges on their constitution as political subjects. Key to this process is the differentiation of sending and receiving societies through the constitution and policing of borders. One study that begins to explore these themes is Burawoy's (1976) comparison of migrant labor in California and South Africa.
DetailsPRETORIA, 08 February 2021 – More than 95 per cent of children in South Africa have access to the Internet regularly, but their risky online behaviour can expose them to online violence, exploitation and abuse, according to the 'SA Kids Online Study' released by UNICEF last year. The 'SA Kids Online Study' shows that children primarily use the …
DetailsPE series jaw crusher is usually used as primary crusher in quarry production lines, mineral ore crushing plants and powder making plants.